About Genuine Nissan Parts -Please Be Aware of Fake/Counterfeit Nissan Parts-
About Genuine Nissan Parts
Genuine Nissan Parts maximize the performance of Nissan vehicles and guarantee safer and more comfortable driving by meeting high quality standards for safety and reliability. We recommend that you purchase/install Genuine Nissan Parts so that you can enjoy your Nissan vehicles for a long time.
Related News
- Apr. 2024 Global
- FY23 Achievements
- 32,066 listings removed from e-Commerce sites
- Compulsory Investigations from Regulatory Authorities: 192 Confiscated Parts: 391,767
- Customs Seizures: 117 Condemned Parts: 30,686
- Identification Training for Regulatory Authorities: 44
- Civil litigations: 6
- 12 Awareness activities
- Mar. 2024 China
- Participated in an awareness event on China's Consumer Rights Day at Guangzhou.*
- Feb. 2024 UAE
- Sponsored the 13th IP Crime Conference Middle East & North Africa and participated in its awareness event at Dubai.
- Jan. 2024 Japan
- Participated in an awareness event for Z generation hosted by International Intellectual Property Protection Forum at Osaka.*
- Nov. 2023 China
- Participated in an awareness event at Auto Guangzhou 2024 hosted by China IPG Automotive and Automotive Parts WG.*
- Dec. 2023 Japan
- Counterfeit Airbags Related Article in JASPA News*
- Nov. 2023 UAE
- Awareness Video Released
("Keep Asking Why 1" and "Keep Asking Why 2")(English)
("Keep Asking Why 1" and "Keep Asking Why 2")(Arabic)
- May 2023 Japan
- Counterfeit Airbags Related Article in BS Summit NEWS*
- May 2023 USA
- Arrest of Counterfeit Airbag Seller*
- Apr. 2023 Global
- FY22 Achievements
- Compulsory Investigations from Regulatory Authorities: 158 Confiscated Parts: 222,324
- Customs Seizures: 97 Condemned Parts: 27,718
- Identification Training for Regulatory Authorities: 34
- Civil litigations: 4
- Jan. 2023 Japan
- First Arrest of Counterfeit Airbag Seller*
- Dec. 2022 China
- Received the IP Eagle Awards at the Alibaba Anti-Counterfeiting Alliance
* Joint implementation with other companies
Please Be Aware of Fake/Counterfeit Nissan Parts
In recent years, Counterfeit Nissan Parts such as airbags, oil filters, and brake pads have been appearing on the market in Japan and all over the world. Counterfeit Nissan Parts are not produced through the processes that we have researched, developed, and created, and it’s possible that they won’t meet the same quality standards as Genuine Nissan Parts. Therefore, the use of Counterfeit Nissan Parts is extremely dangerous, and there is a high possibility that it will lead to a serious accident.
Using Counterfeit Nissan Parts because they are cheap and easy to obtain exposes you and your precious passengers to danger. These Counterfeit Nissan Parts are being sold at some stores and eCommerce sites outside of authorized Nissan dealers.
- Example: eCommerce Site
Utilized for a Distribution
of Fake/Counterfeit
Nissan Parts(Airbags) -
In the case of an accident caused by installing Counterfeit Nissan Parts to Nissan vehicle, repair/maintenance providers may also be partly responsible. Genuine Nissan Parts can be purchased with confidence from authorized Nissan parts dealers.
Please understand that we cannot be held responsible for breakdowns and accidents caused by counterfeit parts.

How to Recognize Fake/Counterfeit Nissan Parts
There are many parts that are listed as Genuine Nissan Parts on eCommerce sites, but we would like to share some tips on how to recognize parts that are most likely Non-Genuine Nissan Parts from among these.
- Blurred images
- Errors in the Japanese text
- “Chinese characters used only in Chinese” are mixed in
Please be aware of:
Parts that are listed with “For Nissan” on the product description of eCommerce sites are in most cases not Genuine Nissan Parts
Blurred images
Errors in the Japanese text
“Chinese characters used only in Chinese” are mixed in
- For More Details
Fake/Counterfeit Nissan Parts: Countermeasures and SDGs
We are cooperating with regulatory authority of various countries to stop the global distribution of Counterfeit Nissan Parts and provide a fair and healthy market environment for stakeholders. Through this, we will contribute to a safe and secure society where people do not make the mistake of purchasing Counterfeit Nissan Parts. Furthermore, we will contribute to the promotion of innovation by protecting IP ecosystem* from infringement by Counterfeit Nissan Parts.
Social Value of Anti-Counterfeiting for Counterfeit Nissan Parts
- Realize a Safe and Secure Society
- Prevent counterfeit parts from endangering people’s safety
because they are not of adequate quality.
- Prevent counterfeit parts from causing a bad impact
on the environment because they are not produced adequately.
- Prevent counterfeit parts from endangering people’s safety
- Protection of IP Ecosystem/Promotion of Innovation
- Prevent counterfeit parts from damaging fair business relations with partners.
- Prevent counterfeit parts from damaging innovation and creative incentives.
* IP ecosystem refers to the so-called ecology of IP, which also includes the concept of IP cycle, i.e., a positive cycle of development to create, protect, and make strategic use of IP. Specifically, this indicates a system, in which based on IP being created under the IP cycle, people have a positive impact upon each other and upon the society in order to autonomously establish new ideas and values.
(Citation: Japan Patent Office, “Mission, Vision, and Values” https://www.jpo.go.jp/e/introduction/tokkyo_mvv.html)
Cooperation with Other Organizations
We cooperate with various administrations and organizations to fight against fake/Counterfeit Nissan Parts, including the Japan Patent Office, Customs, Customs Intellectual Property Information Center (CIPIC), International Intellectual Property Protection Forum (IIPPF), and Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc. (JAMA).